SOAP API - getCaseClassInfo

The table summarizes the SOAP API - getCaseClassInfo.

Request Uses the GetCaseClassInfoRequest element (from the BusinessDataServicesAdminService schema)
Parameter Notes The request can specify the following:
  • name. The name of the application that generated the case model.
  • majorVersion. The major version number of the application.

    You can get this information by running getCaseModelBasicInfo.


  • caseModelID. The case model ID can be obtained by running getCaseModel or getCaseModelBasicInfo.
  • caseClass (optional). Whether you specify name and majorVersion or caseModelID, you can also specify caseClass. If you know the case class whose attributes you want to return, then you can specify the fully qualified name of the case class. For example, com.example.ordermodel.Customer. Leave this blank if you want all the case classes for case model to be returned. You can specify as many case classes as you want.


  • Neither the application name, nor case model ID. This results in all case classes on the system being returned.


The following attributes can also be specified in the request:

  • includeLabels (optional) - Specify "true" to include labels in the response (default = "false").
  • includeAttributes (optional) - Specify "true" to include attribute details in the response (default = "true").
  • includeGlobalObjectAttributes (optional) - Specify "true" to include attributes of contained global objects, as well as the case object itself, in the response (default = "true"). This is ignored unless includeAttributes="true".
  • includeAppDetails (optional) - Specify "true" to include details of each CaseClassInfo in the response (default = "false"). This is typically only used when retrieving class information for multiple applications.
Response Returns a GetCaseClassInfoResponse element (from the BusinessDataServicesAdminService schema), which includes a caseClassInfo element for each case class in the case model. Each caseClassInfo element provides the details (name, label, attributes, and application details) for each case class as specified in the request.
Example Request:
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:api="">
      <api:GetCaseClassInfoRequest includeLabels="true" includeAttributes="true" includeGlobalObjectAttributes="false" includeAppDetails="false">
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="">
      <GetCaseClassInfoResponse xmlns="">
         <caseClassInfo xmlns="">
         <caseClassInfo xmlns="">
         <caseClassInfo xmlns="">
         <caseClassInfo xmlns="">
         <caseClassInfo xmlns="">
         <caseClassInfo xmlns="">