ActiveMatrix BPM Node Type: Custom Keystore Configuration

Field Description
Provide custom keystore locations for this node Whether to specify non-default paths to the keystore folder (or trust store folder) of each shared resource, to match the non-default paths that were specified during the ActiveMatrix BPM server installation. When selected, the Custom Keystore Configuration fields are displayed.

Default: Cleared entry: bpm.nodetype.customkeystores

Custom Keystore Configuration:
HTTP Keystore location Full path to the ActiveMatrix BPM SSL client keystore folder. entry: bpm.nodetype.clientkeystorelocation

LDAP Truststore location Full path to the ActiveMatrix BPM LDAP trust store folder. entry: bpm.nodetype.ldapkeystorelocation

WSS Keystore location Full path to the ActiveMatrix BPM authentication keystore folder. entry: bpm.nodetype.wsskeystorelocation

WSS Truststore location Full path to the ActiveMatrix BPM authentication trust store folder. entry: bpm.nodetype.wsstruststorelocation

Allow empty keystore locations Whether to bypass validation of empty fields for keystores or trust stores that are not in use.

Default: Cleared