Rulebase Files

The process of generating the TIBCO Hawk rulebase files places these files in a folder that is related to the system the nodes are running on and the name of the nodes.

The files are located within a new folder that is created under the BPM application home folder, for example<hostSystem>/<nodename>. Under this a new folder is created for each host system name, such as amxbpm-host, that the BPM nodes are running on. A sub-folder is generated below the host name for the name of each BPM node on the host.

For example, if the machine name is uk-host and there are two BPM nodes installed named BPMNode and BPMNode2, the hierarchy of folders and rulebase files is as follows:
   +-- hawk
       +-- uk-host
          +-- BPMNode
          |  +--Unix
          |  |  +-- AMXBPMLogs_uk-host_BPMNode.hrb
          |  |  +-- AMXBPMNodes_uk-host_BPMNode.hrb
          |  |  +-- AMXBPMSystem_uk-host_BPMNode.hrb
          |  +--Windows
          |     +-- AMXBPMLogs_uk-host_BPMNode.hrb
          |     +-- AMXBPMNodes_uk-host_BPMNode.hrb
          |     +-- AMXBPMSystem_uk-host_BPMNode.hrb
          +-- SystemNode
          |  +--Unix
          |  |  +-- AMXBPMLogs_uk-host_SystemNode.hrb
          |  |  +-- AMXBPMNodes_uk-host_SystemNode.hrb
          |  |  +-- AMXBPMSystem_uk-host_SystemNode.hrb
          |  +--Windows
          |     +-- AMXBPMLogs_uk-host_SystemNode.hrb
          |     +-- AMXBPMNodes_uk-host_SystemNode.hrb
          |     +-- AMXBPMSystem_uk-host_SystemNode.hrb
          +-- BPMNode2
             |  +-- AMXBPMLogs_uk-host_BPMNode2.hrb
             |  +-- AMXBPMNodes_uk-host_BPMNode2.hrb
             |  +-- AMXBPMSystem_uk-host_BPMNode2.hrb
                +-- AMXBPMLogs_uk-host_BPMNode2.hrb
                +-- AMXBPMNodes_uk-host_BPMNode2.hrb
                +-- AMXBPMSystem_uk-host_BPMNode2.hrb

You can see the TIBCO Hawk rulebase files (.hrb) generated for each node. The names of these files include:

  • The area to be monitored by the rules in the file: for example, AMXBPMLogs or AMXBPMSystem.
  • The host system name, such as uk-host.
  • The BPM node name, such as BPMNode2.

The generated files themselves are XML text files.