REST API - setOrgEntityConfigAttributes

The table summarizes the REST API - setOrgEntityConfigAttributes.


PUT <baseurl>/orgentityconfig/setattr/<resourceid>
Path parameters resourceid: The resource GUID for which configuration attribute information is required.
Query parameters
  • attrname=string. Name of the configuration attribute. This must be one of the following:
    • MaxOpenWorkItemCount, which defines the maximum number of open work items allowed concurrently (for the specified organization model entity).
    • WorkItemAutoOpen, which defines whether to automatically open the next work item when completing a work item.
  • attrval=string. Value of the configuration attribute. This must be one of the following:
    • for MaxOpenWorkItemCount, an integer.
    • for WorkItemAutoOpen, a boolean.

Note: Multiple attrname/attrval pairs can be specified as query parameters on the end of the URL.


JSON Returns a JSON representation of the content of the setOrgEntityConfigAttributesResponse element.
XML Returns the content of the setOrgEntityConfigAttributesResponse element (from the OrganisationalEntityConfigService schema)


PUT <baseurl>/orgentityconfig/setattr/tibco-admin?attrname=WorkItemAutoOpen&attrval=true