Upgrade Overview

Upgrading an ActiveMatrix BPM system of any scale involves performing a similar procedure on each machine in the system, ensuring that you upgrade the machines in the correct sequence.

A BPM system can range in scale from a basic, single machine system to a distributed, multi-machine system involving many BPM nodes and a separate ActiveMatrix Administrator server.

Whatever the system topology, the upgrade procedure requires two main steps - installing BPM software and running the Upgrade TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM Instance Wizard - on each machine that is part of the BPM system. To perform the upgrade successfully:

  • You must upgrade the machines that make up the BPM system in the correct sequence.
  • You must upgrade the ActiveMatrix Administrator server first (if necessary), and then the BPM hosts, nodes and application.
  • When you install BPM software on a machine, you must use the correct installation profile.
  • When you run the Upgrade TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM Instance Wizard on a machine, you must perform the appropriate set of configuration actions.

The following table summarizes these requirements.

Upgrade machines in this order... ...using this Installation Profile ... and executing these Configuration Actions
First, upgrade the ActiveMatrix Administrator server (if necessary)...


Second Primary - the machine that hosts the replicated ActiveMatrix Administrator server, if there is one (whether or not it also hosts any BPM nodes).


  • Upgrade ActiveMatrix TIBCO Host Instance
  • Upgrade ActiveMatrix Administrator


Primary - the machine that hosts the ActiveMatrix Administrator server (whether or not it also hosts any BPM nodes).


  • Upgrade ActiveMatrix TIBCO Host Instance
  • Upgrade ActiveMatrix Administrator
...then, upgrade all BPM hosts, nodes and application


Remote - each machine that is hosting a BPM node but not an ActiveMatrix Administrator server.


  • Upgrade ActiveMatrix TIBCO Host Instance


Primary - the machine that hosts the ActiveMatrix Administrator server (whether or not it also hosts any BPM nodes).

Primary (unless you already installed the software in step 2 above)

  • Upgrade Nodes Hosting ActiveMatrix BPM Instance
  • Upgrade ActiveMatrix BPM Instance Application

You should perform each upgrade action that is required by the particular configuration of your ActiveMatrix enterprise. For example:

  • If ActiveMatrix Administrator is not replicated there is no second primary machine to upgrade.
  • If you are upgrading two BPM systems in the same enterprise, you would upgrade the first system as shown in the preceding table. You would not then need to upgrade the ActiveMatrix Administrator server when upgrading the second system.
Note: If you are upgrading from a pre-4.0 version BPM system that includes BPM nodes of node type Web Components, Process Manager or Work Manager, these node types will automatically be converted as part of the upgrade process to version 4.0 node types. (Web Components nodes are converted to Client node type. Process Manager and Work Manager nodes are converted to Server node type.) The upgrade process could potentially take a significant amount of time because of the work involved in this conversion.
Warning: If you are unsure about the exact upgrade sequence to follow for your particular installation, contact TIBCO Support for advice before upgrading.
Note: If you are performing an upgrade with a replicated TIBCO ActiveMatrix Administrator on TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM 2.1.0 with platform 3.1.5-HF11 and SSL-enabled for TIBCO Enterprise Message Service, and installation of TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM 2.2.0 and upgrading of tibcohost on second primary machine are successful, but upgrading of Administrator on second primary machine fails, this is indicated by the TIBCO Enterprise Message Service log file containing the following error:
2013-09-10 18:41:45.442 SSL handshake failed: ret=-1, reason=decryption failed or bad record mac
2013-09-10 18:41:45.442 [OpenSSL Error]: file=ossl.c, line=1704
2013-09-10 18:41:45.442 2:error:1408F119:SSL routines:SSL3_GET_RECORD:decryption failed or bad record mac:.\ssl\s3_pkt.c:431:

If this happens, edit tibemsd.conf, setting cipher to RC4-MD5 in TIBCO Enterprise Message Service server's config during the upgrade. You can remove it afterwards:

ssl_server_ciphers = !DHE-RSA-AES128-SHA:ALL