Comparing Case Data Database Scripts

When any of the case model database scripts are edited, a new revision of the script is saved. There may be many revisions for a particular script. In Data Admin, you can compare revisions so that you can see what changes have been made between revisions.


  1. From TIBCO Openspace, click Data Admin.
  2. Click Audit View.
    A list of the currently deployed case data models displays.
  3. Click the case data model whose script revisions you want to compare.
    A list of version numbers that are currently deployed for that data model displays.
  4. Click the version number that you require.
  5. Depending on the script you want to compare, click either Create Script, Update Script, Drop Script.
  6. Click Revisions.
  7. From Select Revision, click the first revision you want to compare.
  8. Press Ctrl + click the second revision you want to compare the first revision with.
  9. Click Compare.
    The Comparison Viewer displays the scripts. The changes between the scripts are highlighted in green.
  10. From the Compare Create Scripts drop-down list, select either
    • Create Scripts
    • Update Scripts
    • Drop Scripts
    if you want to review the other scripts for that case model.
  11. To select different revisions, click Revisions.
  12. Click Return to return to Audit View.