CASE_STATS Option Attributes

A query that uses the CASE_STATS option operates against the ec_case_status Event Collector database table, which stores information about cases.

The following table describes the attributes that you can include in a filter expression in a query that uses the CASE_STATS option.
Attribute Description/Notes
caseClass A case class is a template for a case object.
caseDuration Total duration (in milliseconds) for the case object.
caseId Unique identifier of the case class that is specified at design time.
caseRef Unique reference (or pointer) to a case object, created by ActiveMatrix BPM when the case object is created.
caseState A case state is a special type of attribute, available only on case classes, that can be used to uniquely identify a set of business-specific states that a case can be in.
createdTime Date/time that the case object was created.

Date/time that the case object was deleted; this is null if the case is not yet deleted.

To return all active cases, use:


lastModified Timestamp that the case object was last modified
modelMajorVersion The major version number of the case model.
modelVersion The version number of the case model.
userGuid GUID of the resource associated with this case object.
userId Identifier of the organization model entity associated with the case object.
version The version number of the case object.