Generalization Properties

Tab Property Description
General Specific Identifies the specific Class in the Generalization relationship. This is read-only.

The generalization relationship indicates that, of the two related Classes, one is a more general form of the other and one is a more specific form. For example, a Doctor is a more specific form of the general form Person.

  General Identifies the general Class in the generalization relationship. This is read-only.

The generalization relationship indicates that, of the two related Classes, one is a more general form of the other and one is a more specific form. For example, a Doctor is a more specific form of the general form Person.

Description   Area in which you can enter text to describe the Generalization or any supporting explanations.
Stereotypes   Lists the stereotypes that have been applied to this package.

Clicking the picker displays the Select Type dialog from which you can add or remove stereotypes.

  Applied Stereotype The name of the stereotype.
  Profile The name of the profile that contains the stereotype.
  Location The location of the file that contains the stereotype.
Appearance Fonts and Colors Enables you to change the font type and size of the text of the labels on your connections on your business object model. You can also change the weight and color of the connections.
  Routing Enables you to determine how the connections are routed in the model. For example, you can choose to make the connections avoid obstructions to make the model easier to read.
  Lines and Arrows Enables you to change the appearance of lines and arrows in your business object model. This is currently deselected.
  Jump Links If you have connections that cross over each other in your model, specify jump links so that the connections jump over each other.
  Smoothness Enables you to change the smoothness of the connections.
Resource Property  
  Value The name of the Generalization Property.