Switching Back to the Default Form

After creating an auto-generated form using the Form > Open context menu action or the user task General Properties tab Form... radio button and manually customizing it, there can be a situation where you would like to start over again with a default form.


  1. Go to the context menu of the user task and click Form > Use Default. This option is enabled only if the Form... radio button is selected on the user task General Properties tab.
    Note: You can also select the No Form URL radio button in the user task General properties tab as shown below.

  2. The Confirm Delete dialog appears.
    • Choose the Delete option if you need to delete the existing customized form. The customized form in the Forms folder in the Project Explorer is deleted.
    • Choose the Keep option if you need to retain the customized form. You would select this option if the Form were still to be used by other user tasks.
  3. After providing the delete options, you need to generate the new form. Go to the context menu of the user task and click Form > Open. You can also click the 'Form...' radio button in the user task General Properties tab.
  4. If you previously specified the Delete option on the Confirm Delete dialog, a default auto-generated form is created.
  5. If you previously specified the Keep option on the Confirm Delete dialog, the Overwrite Form dialog appears. Choose the Overwrite option if you need to overwrite the existing customized form with a default form or choose the Reuse option to continue using the existing customized form.
  6. The system remembers your responses; the next occasion on which it presents either of these dialogs your previous choice becomes the 'default action' (the one executed if you press the Enter key). If you select the Do not ask this question again check-box, the dialog will not be displayed on subsequent occasions and the system will automatically take the action that you choose on this occasion. These settings may be changed using Window > Preferences > Form Designer > Process.