Set the Number of Simulation Cases

The default number of cases for simulation is 100. You can change this number.


  1. In the Process Editor, highlight the Start event.
  2. In the Properties view, click the Simulation tab.
  3. Specify the Number of Cases you want to run during simulation. Avoid specifying extremely large numbers as this can make simulation time-consuming.


You must also specify a distribution for the interval of case starts, typically one of the following:

  • Constant - choose this distribution for case starts that never vary such as the closing of accounts (which happens for example, at the end of every month, quarter and year).
  • Uniform - choose this distribution for cases that have an equal probability of starting over a given range (for which you can specify a maximum or minimum value). For example, if an audit by a government regulator has an equal chance of happening on any day of the year, select a uniform distribution with 0 and 365 as minimum and maximum values:
  • Exponential - use this distribution of for examples such as the following:

    We had 100,000 claims last year. There are 525,948 minutes in a year, so we received a claim every 5.26 minutes. The interval between claims arrivals is expressed by a negative exponential distribution: