wccLoginManagedHub Sample Application

The wccLoginManagedHub sample application illustrates how to use the methods in the IframeContainer class.

With this class, you can:

  • Initialize a login for a WCC application running in an iframe, by utilizing a login from a previous login session.
  • Display a component (e.g., the Organization Browser) in an iframe.
  • Publish an externalShowEvents event, which allows an external application to add a temporary event view to the event view list.

The sample is set up to run on a web server at the following URLs:


Note that two URL host names are used in this example, specifically to illustrate the TIBCO PageBus Managed Hub iframe setup:


This sample application can be run on a single computer running the web server by setting the host names in the computer's /etc/hosts file (C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\etc\hosts on Windows):

  • wccloginmanagedhubmainsource
  • wccloginmanagedhubiframesource

Since this is a local alias, the web browser must be running on the same computer as the web server for this setup to work.