Component Names

Each WCC component has both a name and a model name. The model name is used in the topic of a PageBus event. The PageBus topic consists of a number of 'tokens' separated by a dot '.' character.

For example:


The tokens are in the following order:

  • organization prefix (usually three tokens: always com.tibco.wcc for WCC component events)
  • application model name (e.g., Accounts)
  • prototype model name (e.g., AccountsPrototype)
  • component model name (e.g., wccWorkViews)
  • event name (e.g., listItemSelect)

    By default, the name and the model name are initially the same. There are times, however, where it make sense to treat several components with unique names as the same source for subscribing to their PageBus events.

    For example, a prototype might contain two work view components, where each one has a unique name. The developer wants the subscribing method to react to events from both components in exactly the same way using a single PageBus subscription. This is accomplished by setting the model name of both components to the same name.

    This same concept can be applied to the application model name and the prototype model name.

    For information about the PageBus, see Component Events.