Process Editor

There are a number of tips for using the Process Editor.

I can’t see the palette. Make sure you are in the Process Editor and that the palette is expanded (click the arrow to the right, top of the scroll bar).
I have a large diagram that is difficult to view. How can I find a specific task? Press Ctrl+F and enter the name or a partial name in the resulting dialog. A list of search results is displayed. Clicking one of the results displays it in the Process Editor.
How can I create several objects of the same type using the palette? Press the Ctrl key while adding the objects to your Process. For example, if you want to create several Sequence Flows, press and hold the Ctrl key while clicking the Flow tool and adding the Sequence Flows.
How do I align objects in the Process Editor? There are two features that allow you to better align objects in the Process Editor - Grid and Alignment Guides. These are both available from the Diagram menu when using the Process Editor. Grid allows you to snap objects to the grid lines, and Alignment Guides shows a centering line when you have aligned two objects.

With several objects selected in the Process Editor you can also select options from the Diagram > Alignmentmenu to control the vertical and horizontal alignment of the objects.

I’m using Grid alignment in the Process Editor and I want to place an object without using the Grid. Pressing the Alt key while moving an object allows you to position it between grid lines.
I want to see a larger view of my Process. You can expand the Process Editor to fill your screen by double-clicking its title bar or pressing Crtl+M. You can temporarily display the Properties view by double-clicking any diagram element. The Properties view will be hidden again when you click on the diagram.
How can I easily resize an Activity in the Process Editor? Pressing the Ctrl key while resizing one side of an object automatically resizes the opposite side as well.
I can’t get my Sequence Flows to look right. Occasionally when you reposition a Sequence Flow several times you create too many bendpoints and make the flow illegible. To restore a Sequence Flow, click the flow and select Reset Bendpoints.
How can I create bendpoints when I draw a Sequence Flow? Whilst holding down the left mouse button and positioning the Sequence Flow, right-click to add a bendpoint.
I can’t get a Sequence Flow to dock where I want it to dock. Sequence Flows are docked at the nearest docking point rather than where you attempt to dock them. Try repositioning the middle of the Sequence Flow to change the docking point.
How can I position Sequence Flows using the keyboard? Highlight the Sequence Flow, the press the Period key (.) to move along the bendpoints. With a bendpoint highlighted, use the arrow keys to position them and change the shape of the flow. When you are done, press the Return key.
How can I email someone a Process I am working on? Send them the XPDL Package file that contains the Process. Locate the Package file name in the Project Explorer. The Package file is stored in your workspace (by default this is C:\Documents and Settings\ username


A task label is truncated in the Process Editor - how can I show the whole label? Set the zoom level to width or height and all letters become visible in the Process Editor

Alternatively, you can add a period (.) to the end of the label.