Specifying Columns Available in the Column Selector

You can specify which columns are available to users to add to, or remove from, lists via the Column Selector.

The records in ...\JSXAPPS\base\components\xml\listTypeDisplayFields.xml define the fields that are available in the Column Selector and may be selected for display in a list (where listType indicates the type of list, for example "WorkItem"). Removing records from this file makes the corresponding fields unavailable for users to display as columns in the list.

The following are the attributes available in records in the listTypeDisplayFields.xml file:

  • index - A unique identifier for the record.
  • jsxid - The name of the field.
  • jsximg - The path to an image that corresponds to the data type of the field.
  • jsxtext - The text that identifies the field in the Column Selector.
  • header - The text that displays in the column header of the list.
  • defaultwidth - The initial width of the column, in pixels.
  • find - If set to "no", the column is not available as a searchable field in the Find tool of the list. If "yes", or not specified, the column is searchable.
  • jsxdatatype - The type of sort to perform when the list is sorted by this column, either "number" or "text" (default if not specified).
  • tooltip - Popup help text that displays when the cursor hovers over the column header. If not specified, the value of the header attribute is used.

The jsxtext, header, and tooltip attributes may be localized by enclosing a key (jsxid attribute), from ...\JSXAPPS\base\locale\locale.xml, in brackets (for example, header="{txtName}").

Note that if a field is available to users in the Column Selector, and they select the field for display as a column in a list, subsequent removal of the field from listTypeDisplayFields.xml does not remove the column from the list, it only removes it from the list of available columns in the Column Selector. If this occurs, users are no longer able to remove the column from their list because it is not available in the Column Selector. For them to be able to remove it from their list, the record for the column would need to be added back into the listTypeDisplayFields.xml file so that it is available in the Column Selector.

The location of the files that are modified to implement this customization depends on whether you are customizing a deployed Workspace application or a custom WCC application, as follows:

  • If you are customizing a deployed Workspace application, see Location of Files on a BPM Runtime Machine for information about the location of the files and directories mentioned above.
  • If you are using a deployed custom WCC application, you must make the appropriate changes to the files in your WCC development environment, as the files on the BPM runtime machine are not accessible. Therefore, you must make the changes, then redeploy the application. (Or if the application had not been deployed yet, make the changes before deploying the application.)