Tutorial 7 - Controlling Flow From a Gateway

You can control flow from a Gateway by specifying a Parameter to be used as in a Rule. On a conditional Sequence Flow exiting the Gateway, you can specify that the Sequence Flow is followed only when values for that Parameter match the expression specified in the Rule.


  1. Open the Submit Expenses Process from the previous tutorial. Click the Is Paperwork Correct? Gateway.
  2. Click the Rule Parameter tab. This shows the Parameter and values that will be evaluated to determine the output flow from this Gateway. The Parameter in this case is isPaperworkCorrect.

    In this case, there are two values for the Parameter, Wrong receipts and Correct receipts.

  3. To see how these values control the flow from the Gateway, highlight the conditional Sequence Flow that comes from the Gateway and in the Properties view, click the Simulation tab.

    This shows that this Sequence Flow is only traversed when the isPaperworkCorrect Parameter has the value Wrong receipts. Any cases with other values for this Parameter will follow the default Sequence Flow.

  4. To test how the Gateway controls the flow, you can adjust the Weighting as described in Tutorial 4 - Changing Simulation Properties. For example, if 90% of those submitting expenses get the paperwork right the first time, you could adjust the weighting accordingly and run the simulation. This would show far fewer cases going through the Wrong receipts path.

    You can also use the Rule Parameter with imported data as described in the next tutorial.