Searching for Business Services

If you have a large number of business services in your list, you can use the search feature to search for a specific category. This allows you to display only the business services from that particular category.


  1. In the Criteria box, click the down arrow. Select Category from the drop down list.
  2. In the Search box, type the search criteria you want to search for. You can either type in the category you are looking for exactly as at appears in the tree or you can use the * as a wild card character. A single * represents one level of the tree and two asterisks (**) represent all levels of the tree. Therefore if you had a tree structure like the one below:
    The dialog shows three categories in a tree structure: CatA, CatB and CatC

    and if you are searching for CatC, you could type either:

    • CatA/CatB/CatC
    • */*/CatC

      You must not end a search with an * however as this would not return any categories.

  3. Click The search icon is a magnifying glass.
  4. Click Search. The Business Services gadget displays the business services that are listed in the category you specified. If you click Services, your original view is still displayed.
    Note: The results of the Search only display the category you are looking for. It does not display the hierarchical tree structure of the categories. This means that you cannot navigate through the tree from Search. You must go back to Services to do this.