Editing and Publishing

You can edit deployed application files, and publish the application to make the revised application available to all users.

Note: More than one user can edit the same file, but if this happens when you SAVE, you see an alert that the version you are trying to save is not the latest and you have the options to overwrite or cancel.

You can clone applications, which means you can use a relevant application and tailor it for your own requirements. See Cloning Applications.

The following file formats are supported for editing:
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • XML
  • JSON
Note: You can use your preferred third-party editors, however TIBCO supports only the in-built editors.

You can make changes to a file, save it, and refresh the browser to see the result of the changes within the deployed runtime application.

You can view and edit different published versions of an application (so it is always possible to revert to a previous published version if you do not want to use a more recent version). See Switching Between Application Versions.
Note: Versioning is not available for individual files. For files, you can use UNDO to revert the most recent changes.

To enable editing of files and applications, see Editing Applications.