Filtering Log Files

Filtering log files allows you to only display the log file entries that match the specified criteria.

There are two ways you can filter log file entries in the Log Viewer.

Using Pre-Defined Filters

You can right-click directly on a log file entry and use the pre-defined filters to highlight log file entries.
Highlight Filter Description
attributeName = value The attribute name in the log entry you selected is equal to the value in the log entry you selected. Selecting this highlights all other log entries with an attribute that has that value.
attributeName <> value The attribute name in the log entry you selected is greater than or less than the value in the log entry you selected. Selecting this highlights all other log entries with an attribute that has value greater than or less than the value in the log entry you have selected.
isset (attributename) The attribute name in the log entry you selected is set. Selecting this displays all the log entries with an attribute that has been set.
(NOT (isset(attributename))) The attribute name the log entry you selected is not set. Selecting this displays all the log entries with an attribute that has not been set.
threadName = threadname The thread name in the log entry you selected. Selecting this displays all log entries with the same thread name as the log entry you selected.

To clear the highlights, right-click anywhere in the Log Viewer and select Clear Filter.

Using the Filters Dialog

In the Filters dialog, you can configure an expression that highlights the log file entries that match the expression. The expression uses Event Collector Query Language (ECQL). See TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM Developer's Guide for information about ECQL.


  1. From Log Viewer, click Filters.
  2. From the Load Filter From View drop-down list, select the view you want to use. See Viewing Log Files for more information.
  3. In the Filter expression box, type in the filter expression you require.
    The filter expression must use event collector query language (ECQL). See TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM Developer's Guide for information on how to use ECQL.
  4. Click OK or Cancel to exit the dialog without saving your changes.
    The Log Viewer filters the log file accordingly.
  5. You can click Save view to save your current settings as a view. Enter the name of your view in the Save view dialog and click OK. The newly created view is now available for you to use in the View drop-down list.