External Resource

An External Resource can be defined either at library level or at control type level.

  • Library level: in this case, it applies to all control types defined in the library and these External Resources are loaded when at least one Control Type in this library is used by the form.
  • Control Type level: in this case, it applies only to the specific Control Type and is loaded only if this Control Type is used by the form.

All External Resources needed to load a Control Type need to be defined in one or other of these two places. This includes the JavaScript file that contains the implementation of the ControlWrapper for the Control Type. An External Resource can also contain CSS or localized properties.

External Resource Properties
Property Type Initial Value Description
Name String resource.resource1. The number increases for each new resource added to the library file. Short identifier of the resource. Resources should be renamed to something meaningful. The name must begin with "resource." and must be unique within the library file. For properties files, this name is used from script in order to reference the resource bundle. (For example resource.<name>.<key>)
Relative URI String   A URI relative to the Presentation Resources folder. For example, "css/myControl.css".

A picker is also available to select the external resource.

Important: you cannot select an external resource from a referenced project. The external resource must be available locally.