Launching a WCC Application Using an External Login

If there is a user already authenticated, you can launch a WCC application in the context of that HTTP session by including “?externalLogin=true” in the URL.

For example:


The application is initialized with the user name for the authenticated HTTP session.

An example of doing this is provided in the wccLoginManagedHub sample application—see the “Using WCC Components in Mash-ups” chapter in the TIBCO Workspace Components Developer Guide.

Note that you can also include “?useLDAP=true” in the application URL to specify that the user be authenticated via LDAP. The server needs to be configured for LDAP for this parameter to have an effect. If it is included in the URL, and the server is not configured for LDAP, the parameter is ignored.

Also see the authenticationMode configuration parameter, which works in conjunction with the URL overrides described above — see Authentication Mode.