
You can add new gadgets to Openspace, and these are hosted on a gadget server.

For more information on gadgets, see ’Gadgets’ in the TIBCO Openspace User’s Guide.

Gadget Server URL

New gadgets added to Openspace are hosted on a gadget server, from which the gadget specifications can be rendered to multiple Openspace clients. If Openspace users are to be able to install gadgets from such a server, you need to:

  • Specify the server URL
  • Make it available to Openspace.

You can specify the gadget server’s URL by defining the property gadgetServerURL in the file. This property defaults to:


Change it to the IP address and port number used by the BPM server where Openspace is installed. For example:


You can also specify whether this gadget server URL should be displayed in the Contribute Gadget dialog to be appended to the URL of the gadget spec (that is, of the xml file that defines the gadget). See ’Adding New Gadgets to Openspace’ in the TIBCO Openspace User’s Guide for details of this dialog. Whether to display the URL is specified by the useConfiguredServerUrl property. This property defaults to:


If it is left as false, no path is displayed in the Contribute Gadget dialog.

To append the server URL to the gadget URL, set useConfiguredServerUrl in the file to true. The server URL defined by the gadgetServerURL property is then displayed and you attach the name of the gadget’s xml file to it.

For example, using the server url described in the example above, you would be prompted:

and you would add the name of the gadget spec file to give something like:

Dynamic Gadgets

The isDynamicGadgetEditable property controls whether an IFrame URL gadget should be displayed with an edit option.

This defaults to:


If the value is changed to true, the user can click on the edit option and modify the URL.