Reorganizing Event Collector Tables (DB2 Only)

After the upgrade, it is likely that several event collector tables need to be reorganized.

Note: You only need to perform this task if:
  • you are upgrading an existing BPM system


  • you are using a DB2 database.

Perform this task for the following tables:

  • ec_event_int
  • ec_pe_status


  1. To determine if a table needs to be reorganized, connect to the BPM database and enter the following command:
    db2 load query table user.table_name
    • For example:
    • db2 load query table bpmuser.ec_event
    If a reorganization is required, the command returns the following:

      Reorg Pending

    In this case, you must perform the following steps before continuing to use the system.

    Warning: Failing to reorganize the tables can lead to events not being audited, and event views failing to display, with error messages such as:

    Event Viewer: My Activity Today - View is unavailable due to server side fault

    Also, the following error in the logs indicates that the tables needs to be reorganized:

    SQLCODE=-668, SQLSTATE=57016
  2. Log into the BPM database.
  3. Run the following command :
    db2 reorg table user.table_name
  4. After reorganization, enter the following command:
    db2 load query table user.table_name
    The command should return the following:
