Business Services

Business services are provided by the Work Manager logical node (by the Pageflow Engine (PFE) component).


The Business services API provides the following public service.

Service Description
BusinessService Get information about and interact with deployed business service templates and business service instances

API Files

The following table shows the API files that provide Business services.

File Description
busserv.wsdl Business services API
pfe-business-service.xsd Pageflow services - BusinessService schema
pfe-common.xsd Pageflow services - common schema
channeltype.xsd Work Presentation services - channel type schema
datamodel.xsd Common data model schema
presentationmodel.xsd Work Presentation services - presentation model schema
pfe-exception.xsd Pageflow services - exception schema
comexception.xsd Common exception schema
Note: Hyperlinks are provided to the WSDL and XSD documentation for a particular service API or schema. Any xsd files that do not have hyperlinks are included (directly or indirectly) in hyperlinked xsd files. For example, the XSD documentation for pfe-business-service.xsd also includes the documentation for pfe-common.xsd.