
Returns a collection of XML-entity records for all selected items in the Workspace list where the menu item or toolbar button that launches the interface is located. The attributes in these records contain list data that may be used as URL parameters or input to the custom interface.




  • interfaceObject - (Object) Object that launches the custom interface. The method throws an exception if the list associated with interfaceObject is not one of the following:
    • WorkViewsList
    • ProcessViewsList
    • EventViewsList
    • BusinessServicesList
    • WorkItemsList
    • ProcessInstancesList
    • EventsList
    • ProcessTemplatesList


(collection of XML records) The length of the collection can be obtained with the getLength() method, and individual records can be obtained with the getItem(n) method, where n is the zero-based index of a record in the collection. Attributes values can be obtained, from records, with the getAttribute('name') method, where name is the name of the attribute.