SOAP API - registerAttributes

The table summarizes the SOAP API - registerAttributes.

Request Uses the registerAttributesRequest element (from the EventCollectorUpdateService schema).
Parameter notes
  • componentId: the ID of the component that the attributes are being registered against. This is the id returned from a call to registerComponent or getComponents .
  • AttributeDefinition: each entry is the definition of one attribute being registered. TIBCO recommends that you specify at least the following parameters for each attribute:
    • name: unique name of the attribute.
    • type: one of DATE, INT, STRING, BOOLEAN, LONG, or DOUBLE.

      Do not enter a value for:

    • id: this will be specified in the response.
Response Returns a registerAttributesResponse element (from the EventCollectorUpdateService schema).
Example Request:
      <registerAttributesResponse xmlns="">
         <AttributeDefinition xmlns="">
            <category xmlns="">CUSTOM</category>
            <componentId xmlns="">20</componentId>
            <id xmlns="">275</id>
            <isPrimary xmlns="">false</isPrimary>
            <length xmlns="">-1</length>
            <name xmlns="">customAttr1</name>
            <type xmlns="">STRING</type>
         <AttributeDefinition xmlns="">
            <category xmlns="">CUSTOM</category>
            <componentId xmlns="">20</componentId>
            <id xmlns="">274</id>
            <isPrimary xmlns="">false</isPrimary>
            <length xmlns="">-1</length>
            <name xmlns="">customAttr2</name>
            <type xmlns="">LONG</type>