Launching a Custom WCC Application in an HTML Frame

To be able to launch a custom WCC application in an HTML frame (for example, an iframe in a portal), you must make some modifications to the launch fragment for the application.

Prior to launching the application in a frame, perform the procedure below.


  1. Open the launch fragment.
  2. Locate the following: “NOTE: To allow display of this application under frames remove the following style and script elements”.
  3. Remove (or comment out) the <styleand> <script> elements immediately after the note. For example:
    <!-- NOTE: To allow display of this application under frames remove the following
    style and script elements
    <style type="text/css">html{display:none;}</style>
    <script language="javascript">
       if (self == top) {
            // Not in frame so show client app
       } else {
            // In a frame so try to show client app outside of a frame
            top.location = self.location;
    </script> -->
  4. Locate the following: “NOTE: To allow display of this application under frames remove the next script element”.
  5. Remove (or comment out) the <script> element immediately after the note. For example:
    <!-- NOTE: To allow display of this application under frames remove the next
    script element
    <script language="javascript">
       if (self !== top) {
          // Still in a frame so clear body of app and close
          document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0].innerHTML = 'Not allowed in frames.';
 'close.html', '_self');
    </script> -->
  6. Save and close the launch script.