Running Log Viewer

You can find Log Viewer in TIBCO_HOME\bpm\n.n\bin, where n.n is the version of ActiveMatrix BPM.


Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 1.7.0.


  1. Add JRE 1.7 to your CLASSPATH. For example, C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre7\bin.
  2. Navigate to TIBCO_HOME\bpm\n.n\bin, where n.n is the version of ActiveMatrix BPM.
  3. Run logviewer.bat or logviewer on UNIX.
    (for UNIX, logviewer) There are several arguments that you can also pass when running Log Viewer.
    Option Description
    -f logfilename Automatically loads the specified log file in the Log Viewer. For example, logviewer -f BPM.log
    -a archivefilename Automatically loads the specified archive log file in Log Viewer
    -c logviewerconfigurationfilename Specify the Log Viewer configuration file you want to use. For example, logviewer -c logviewer_conf.xml
    -debug Automatically turns on debug. See "Turning Debug On and Changing the BPM Logging Level" in the TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM Troubleshooting Guide for more information. For example, logviewer -debug
    -create-config Automatically creates a Log Viewer configuration file. For example, logviewer -create-config