
The Library is the root element in the component library definition.

Library Element Properties
Property Type Initial Value Description
Name String Library file base name Library name.
Qualifier String Generated based on containing project identifier and the nsPrefix The qualifier should be unique within the workspace.
XML Namespace Prefix String <libraryName>. toLowerCase() Used in form models when referencing Control Types in this model. This is pre-populated based on the original name of the library file and usually does not need to be changed (it can be manually abbreviated to something short and intuitive).
XML Namespace URI URI Generated based on the library name Defines a unique namespace URI reference that is used in referring to form definitions. This is pre-populated based on the original name of the library file and usually does not need to be changed (it can be manually changed to conform to your organization's end-point naming policy).
Drawer Palette Drawer   Provides basic information about the drawer in which custom controls in this library will be displayed in the Form Designer palette.
Event Event Type   Defines custom events that are raised by one or more control types defined in this library. The multiplicity of this property is 0..* (that is, the library can contain zero or more event types).

Note: An Event Type is added to the model using the context menu (right-click) on the Library element.

Resource External Resource   The external resources can contain JavaScript, CSS, image files, or localized properties. All external resources defined in the library are loaded when one of the control types defined in it is loaded by the form. The multiplicity of this property is 0..* (that is, the library can contain zero or more external resources).

Note: An External Resource is added to the model using the context menu (right-click) on the Library element.

Component Control Type   Specifies the Control Type schema. All Control Types specified here appear in the Palette Drawer defined for this Library and can be used in forms. The multiplicity of this property is 1..* (that is, the library can contain one or more Control Types).

Note: A Control Type is added to the model using the context menu (right-click) on the Library element.