Attribute Properties

Tab Property Description
General Name Name of the Attribute. You can re-name the Attribute here by entering a new name.
  Multiplicity Allows you to select whether multiple copies of an Attribute are permitted. See "Attributes" in the TIBCO Business Studio Concepts Guide for information on the values you can set.
  Type Select the type of data you expect the Attribute to contain. See "Attributes" in the TIBCO Business Studio Concepts Guide for information on the types an Attribute can have.

Clicking the picker displays the Select Type dialog from which you can change the type of an attribute. Click to remove a type.

Description   Area in which you can enter text to describe the Attribute or any supporting explanations.
Stereotypes   Lists the stereotypes that have been applied to this package.

Clicking the picker displays the Select Type dialog from which you can add or remove stereotypes.

  Applied Stereotype The name of the stereotype.
  Profile The name of the profile that contains the stereotype.
  Location The location of the file that contains the stereotype.
Resource Property  
  Restrictions Expand this to specify any restrictions for the Attribute. For example, you can specify a default value, or maximum length, depending on the type of your Attribute.
  Value The name of the Attribute.