REST API - getPushDestinations - passing parameters

The table summarizes the REST API - getPushDestinations - passing path parameters.


GET <baseurl>/orgmodel/pushdestination/<entity-type>/<entity-guid>/<version>
Path parameters
  • entity-type: The type of organization model entity. Must be ORGANIZATIONAL_UNIT, POSITION, GROUP, or RESOURCE.
  • entity-guid: The identifier of the organization model entity. Organization unit, position, and group GUIDs can be obtained from getOrgModel. Resource GUIDs can be obtained from lookupUser or listAssociatedResources.
  • version: The version of organization model entity for which push destinations are to be returned. Can be obtained using listOrgModelVersions.
Query parameters
  • qualifier=String: A qualifier value for the organizational entity to which the push destination is associated. This is only applicable in certain circumstances, and only to organization model entities whose entity-type is PRIVILEGE or CAPABILITY. These entities can have an association with other entities - for example, a resource may hold many capabilities, or a position may have many privileges.
  • qualifierSet=List<String>: A list of qualifier values for the organizational entity to which the push destination is associated. This overrides any qualifier attribute set on the parent element, allowing more than one value to be set. Multiple values will only be used for qualifiers of type "enumset".


JSON Returns a JSON representation of the content of the getPushDestinationsResponse element.
XML Returns the content of the getPushDestinationsResponse element (from the OrgModelService schema).


GET <baseurl>/orgmodel/pushdestination/GROUP/_f-3EEA__Ed-K1uFKLLiIUw/3
            "@model-version": "3",
            "@entity-type": "GROUP",
            "@guid": "_f-3EEA__Ed-K1uFKLLiIUw",
                    "@channel-type": "EmailChannel",
                    "@channel-id": "openspaceEmailPush_DefaultChannel",
                    "@name": "Email",
                    "@enabled": "true",
                    "value": ""