BPM Properties Files

TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM supports dynamic runtime configuration through its framework of monitored properties files.

These properties files are typically stored on the machine where you installed ActiveMatrix BPM, under the folder CONFIG_HOME/bpm/bpm_app_name/configuration/.

In a distributed environment, you can configure the folder in which the node should look for these properties files. This allows you to host the properties files on a shared folder that is accessible to all the machines in the cluster. For example, consider a clustered environment with two machines, machine A and machine B, where ActiveMatrix BPM is installed on machine A. You can share the folder CONFIG_HOME/bpm/bpm_app_name/configuration/ on machine A and mounted it as "/mnt/bpm" on machine B.

The following table lists the properties files available. If you are viewing this document in HTML format, you can click the file name to view the properties.

File Name Description
brm.properties Business Resource Management engine properties file
bds.properties Business Data Services properties file
cm.properties Content Management properties file
dac.properties Deadline and Calendar properties file
de.properties Directory Engine properties file
ec.properties The default configuration file for auto-archiving audit data. See Archiving Messages.
ec_archive_nosql.properties The configuration file used for configuring Apache Cassandra as an external audit store. See Configuring Apache Cassandra as an External Audit Message Store.
ECPublicationJMS.properties The default configuration file containing details of the EMS server, and the name and output format of the JMS topic to which audit messages were published. See Publication of BPM Audit Data to a Java Message Service (JMS) Topic for details.

In previous versions this file also controlled which messages were published. From version 2.1, message publication is controlled by the ec-event-rules.xml file, as described in Configuring TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM Auditing . When you migrate to version 2.1 or later the relevant lines of ECPublicationJMS.properties are commented out and are no longer used. Any customizations that you have previously made to the list of messages will be migrated to ec-event-rules.xml.

EmailChannelProperties.properties Work Presentation Email Channel properties file
GIChannelProperties.properties Work Presentation GI Channel properties file. This file is no longer used, because support for GI channels has been discontinued.
n2lf.properties BPM Logging Framework properties file.
OSProperties.properties Openspace server properties file, containing properties to tailor Openspace logging, the location of the gadget server, and so on.

See Configuring TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM to Work with Openspace for details.

PFEConfig.properties Pageflow Engine configuration properties file. See Configuration of the Pageflow Engine for details.
RESTServiceConfig.properties REST Service configuration properties. See TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM Developer's Guide for more information about the REST service.
sc.properties Statistics Collector properties file
WPProperties.properties Work Presentation core properties file. For examples of using the properties in this file, see:
wpextender.properties Work Presentation extender properties file. This contains the property UseHttpRequestContextURL. See Configuration of TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM Form Locations for the use of this property.
WSProperties.properties Workspace client and Action Processor properties.

This file contains properties to disable the inclusion of stack traces in Action Processor responses.

It also contains properties to specify whether login and logout events should contain the client IP address, referer, user agent, and session ID. Note that in order for these attributes to be included in the WS_SECURITY_LOGIN and WS_SECURITY_LOGOUT events, the CONFIG_HOME\config\data\bpm\bpm_app_name\configuration\ec-probe-rules.xml configuration file must be edited to include these attributes. This is because Event Collector, by default, only includes primary attributes. These Workspace attributes are secondary attributes and so must be manually added to the configuration so they are included in the event. These attributes must be added to the CentralECAuditProcess definition. For example:

<messageProcessDefinition name="CentralECAuditProcess">
      <!--  Uncomment the following line to cause environmentName to be audited centrally for all normal audit messages -->
      <!--  See also changes for ec-event-rules to control whether environmentName is audited/published              -->
      <!-- <attribute>environmentName</attribute> -->

See the WSProperties.properties file for details about all properties in this file.