Using a Proxy Server

If the BPM application server URLs are to be accessed using a Reverse Proxy, so that clients would access the proxy server and not directly access the BPM application server, steps must be taken to ensure that the client uses the correct URL to locate forms on the BPM server.


  1. In the file set the UseHttpRequestContextURL property to false.
  2. Set the property formContextURL to the URL for the forms, in the format:


    • protocol is http or https
    • hostname is either the hostname or else the IP address of the proxy server
    • port is the port on the proxy server
    • bpmresources is the context where BPM forms are stored.
    Warning: The value of this context is bpmresources only from ActiveMatrix BPM 1.2.0. If you have upgraded from an earlier version than 1.2.0, you must omit the context but you must include the slash after the port number. For example:

    This enables your users to open forms for work items related to both post- and pre-1.2.0 versions of BPM.