SOAP API - getDataViewDetails

The table summarizes the SOAP API - getDataViewDetails.

Request Uses the GetDataViewDetailsRequest element (from the BusinessDataServices schema)
Parameter notes
  • viewID. The unique identifier of the dataview.
  • viewName. The unique name of the dataview. If you do not know the dataview name, you can use wild cards to search for it. See Using Wildcards to Search for Dataviews.
  • uncategorized. To find all data views that have been created without a category.
    Note: This returns all the data views that have been created using the web service API without specifying a category. If you create a data view in Openspace and Workspace without specifying a category, the BPM clients place them in a category called UNCATEGORIZED. Using the uncategorized parameter does not return any data views created without a category in Openspace or Workspace.
  • appDetails (optional). The details of the application.
    • name. The name of the deployed application in TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM. For example, com.example.gddemo-2.
    • majorVersion. The current version number of the deployed application.
  • caseClassDetails (optional).
    • caseClass. The fully qualified name of the case class. For example, com.example.gddemo.Car. You can obtain class names by using getCaseClassInfo .
    • caseModelVersion. The version of the case model. For example, 2 or 2.0.0.
  • category (optional) Specifies the category. See Dataview Categories .
    • name. Slash-separated path to the category in the hierarchy. Leave this blank to return all top-level categories.
    • childDepth. Number of levels of child categories beneath the matching categories. -1 is unlimited depth. Leave blank to return no children.
    • childrenOnly (optional): Use with childDepth. If this is set to true, the category is omitted and only the child categories are retrieved.
  • viewDetailsRequirement (optional). Select this if you only want the response to return the name or name and description of the data view and nothing else. If this is omitted, all details of the data view are returned. Specify one of the following:
    • NAME to return only the name of the data view.
    • NAME_AND_DESCRIPTON to return only the name and description of the data view.
    • NAME_AND_PARAMETERS to return only the name of the data view, as well as its named parameters, their data types, and multiplicity*.
    • NAME_DESCRIPTION_AND_PARAMETERS to return only the name and description of the data view, as well as its named parameters, their data types, and multiplicity*.
  • includeAppDetails (optional). If this is specified as true, the application details (in other words, the application name and its major version) are returned in each response.

* The multiplicity is the number of values required for the named parameter (ONE, TWO, or MANY). If omitted, assume ONE (as this is the case most of the time, the server does not return it so as not to clutter the response). If the condition uses the operators BETWEEN or NOT_BETWEEN, the multiplicity will be TWO (a BETWEEN condition has two values: the upper and lower bounds). For IN and NOT_IN operators, the multiplicity will be MANY.

Response Returns a GetDataViewDetailsResponse element (from the BusinessDataServices schema)

Retrieves the data view details for a data view called Car Pool

         <viewName>Car pool</viewName>
      <GetDataViewDetailsResponse xmlns="">
         <result xmlns="">
               <name>Car pool</name>
               <description>List of cars in the car pool</description>

Retrieves the data view details for all data views that are not in category

      <GetDataViewDetailsResponse xmlns="">
         <result xmlns="">
               <name>Car pool</name>
               <description>List of cars in the car pool</description>