
Retrieves a summary of the case information for a given work item or case reference.

Note: The CaseInformationService.getCaseInformation operation was introduced in ActiveMatrix BPM 4.0, but has been superceded by the CaseManagementService.getCaseInformation operation, which was introduced in ActiveMatrix BPM 4.1. The CaseInformationService.getCaseInformation operation is still supported, but may be deprecated in the future. Therefore, you should use the CaseManagementService.getCaseInformation operation instead, unless you have a specific requirement to continue to use CaseInformationService.getCaseInformation.

Required System Actions



CaseInformationService.getCaseInformation(model, callback)


Parameter Type Description
model CaseManagementModel The case model to be passed to the $scope object.

You must provide either one of the following:

The response populates the CaseManagementServiceModel.caseRefInformation object with an array of CaseReferenceWithSummaryDetailsType objects.

The sample usage below shows how each of these can be passed.

callback Function Callback function to handle success or failure results from the request.

Sample Usage

scope.selectedWorkItem = scope.acceptWorkItemFromUser;    //accept an workItem from user for which we will find all the cases and their case summary
scope.caseRef = "BDS-1-com.example.claimbom.Policy-3-0";  //accept a case reference from user for which we need the case summary
//Actual Service call
CaseInformationService.getCaseInformation(scope, {onSuccess: function()
            console.log("Case Reference Summary for caseRef "+scope.caseRef+" is "+scope.caseRefInformation);   //Service call assigns the case summary to scope.caseRefInformation