Process Views Gadget

The Process Views gadget displays information about the processes in your list, such as their status, priority, duration and so on. You can also perform actions such as suspend, resume or cancel processes and view an audit trail of your processes. Depending on your privileges, you can also migrate processes to different process templates and administer halted processes.

The Process Views gadget is divided into two halves. The first half displays columns that show you information about the processes in your list. If you start a process instance from a process template, the details of the process instance you have started are displayed in the second half.

The columns shown above are displayed by default, see Process Template List Columns. However, you can customize what columns are displayed, see Customizing Columns.

The status of a process determines what stage it has reached in the process. A process can have various states. For example, if a process has been started it will have a status of Active. For an explanation of each of the possible states of a process, see Process Instance State.

You can also use the following buttons to display process templates by the status of the process instances started from a process template.

Button Description
The icon is a shaft of lightening Show active instances for this template. This is selected by default.
The icon is a tick. Show completed instances for this template
The icon is two vertical lines Show suspended instances for this template
The icon is a yellow triangle with an exclamation mark in the middle. Show all halted or failed instances for this template.
The icon is a stack of paper. Show all instances for this template.

The process template list that is initially displayed is a snapshot of the process templates available at that point in time. You can refresh the list to get the most recent list of processes from BPM, see Refreshing the Process Template List.

If you have a large number of processes in your list, you can use the search feature to search for a specific process, see Searching for Process Templates.