Displaying an Audit Trail


  1. From Process Views, navigate to Template and press Enter. The process templates are displayed. The focus is automatically on the first process template in the list.
  2. Use the Up and Down arrows to move to the process template whose process instances you want to display.
  3. Press Enter on the process template you have selected. The process instances for the process template are displayed in the right-hand pane. Automatically, the focus is on the first process instance.
  4. You can use the Up and Down arrows to select the process instance whose audit trail you want to view.
  5. Press Enter to move to Open (The icon is a black open folder).
  6. Press Enter on Open (The icon is a black open folder).
    The audit trail provides a chronological list of events for the process instance, see Audit Trail Columns.
  7. To go back to the list of process instances, press Enter to move to the Close Audit icon (The icon is a black cross).
  8. To go back to the list of process templates, press Enter to move back through the controls back to the process template list.