
The listCandidateResources service lists the candidate resources (including existing resources) from the identified LDAP container. The entries in the response are suitable to be passed to the createResource operation in OrgResourceService.

  • The request identifies the LDAP container that is to be listed.
  • The response returns a list of candidate resources from the requested container.

Note that a page-size parameter can be passed in the SOAP API request to page the results, rather than having all of the candidate resources returned in the response. That parameter is not available, however, for the listCandidateResources call in the REST API. Instead, a separate pagedcandidates call is available to page the results when using the REST API.

Required System Actions
resourceAdmin and/or LDAPAdmin

The operation can be called by users possessing either the resourceAdmin or the LDAPAdmin system action. The LDAPAdmin system action gives the user additional access to organizations that are restricted due to organization relationships. For more information, see Overriding Organization Relationships.

API Descriptions