Using Connection Tools on the Palette to Connect Objects

To connect two objects with sequence flow, use the Sequence Flow tool.


  1. Click the Sequence Flow tool.
  2. Position the pointer over the object that will be the source of the sequence flow.

    The pointer changes shape:

  3. Draw the sequence flow using one of these methods:
    • Click the source object, then position the pointer over the target of the sequence flow. If you are satisfied with the shape of the flow, click the target.
    • Click the source object, holding down the mouse button, drag the pointer to the target object and release the mouse button.
      Tip: While drawing the sequence flow, you can add bendpoints by right-clicking or pressing the spacebar as you create the flow.
      Tip: You can also drag and drop from the palette. So select an item on the palette and drag and drop it to where you require it in the process.
      Tip: When you connect objects, as the default the sequence flows use Multi Entry/Exit Point connection routing (meaning that there will be multiple separate lines from the entry or exit point to those objects they are connected to. You can tailor this behavior, by selecting the process, and from the Properties tab, select the Appearance tab. You can then select from these connection routing styles:
      • Multi Entry/Exit Point
      • Single Entry/Exit Point
      • Uncentered on tasks

      Once you have selected a different connection routing style, the diagram will be reformatted to use this selection.