Administrator Server Configuration: LDAP Authentication Realm Details (Screen 2)

Field Description
Group Indication Specifies how a user’s group memberships are found. Group information is used by ActiveMatrix Administrator when a user, once authenticated, performs other activities in the system.


  • Group has users — List of users that belong to the group. When selected, the Group Attribute with User Names field is enabled.
  • User has groups — List of groups to which the user belongs. When selected, the User Attribute with Group Names field is enabled.

    Default: Group has users

Group Search Base DN Base distinguished name from which the search for the group starts.

Default: ou=groups,ou=na,dc=example,dc=org

Group Search Expression Search by matching this expression against potential groups.

Default: cn={0}

Group Attribute with User Names Name of the attribute in the group object containing its users.

Example: uniqueMember (OpenLDAP) or member (ActiveDirectory).

Default: uniqueMember

Group Attribute with Group Name Name of the attribute in the group object that contains the name of the group.

Example: cn (OpenLDAP) or sAMAccountName (ActiveDirectory).

Default: cn

Group Attribute with Subgroup Names Name of the attribute in the group object that contains its subgroups.

Example: uniqueMember (OpenLDAP) or member (ActiveDirectory).

Default: uniqueMember

User Attribute with Group Names Name of the attribute in the user object that lists the groups to which the user belongs.

Default: None

Group Search Scope Subtree When searching the group, indicate whether to traverse into the subtree or to search only under the group base distinguished name.

Default: Selected