Exposing a Request-Response Operation

A process can expose a request-response operation to receive a message from, then return a response to, a client application.

  • a message start event, receive task or catch message intermediate event, which defines the request (Input) message. This task or event must be paired with:
  • a downstream send task, throw intermediate message event or message end event, which defines the response (Output) message, and is configured as the reply to the request.
Note: The calling application or process pauses its activity when it sends the request and waits for the response from the process before continuing. Because of this, you should only use a request-response operation when there are no arbitrary length tasks between the tasks or events being used to expose the request and response messages. See Arbitrary Length Tasks and Request-Response Operations .


  1. Add or select the task or event that you intend to use to expose the request part of the web service operation. This must be one of the following types:
    • a receive task
    • a message start event
    • a catch message intermediate event

      On the General tab of the Properties view, Service Type (for a receive task) or Implementation (for a message event) is automatically set to Web Service.

  2. Select the task or event that you intend to use to expose the response part of the web service operation. This must be one of the following types:
    • a send task
    • a throw intermediate message event
    • a message end event
  3. On the General tab of the Properties view:
    1. Click Reply to Upstream Incoming Request.
    2. In the Request Activity field, enter the name of the task or event that you selected earlier to expose the web service operation. Content Assist is available to help you complete this field.