Datagrid Keyboard Shortcuts

Openspace has provided Datagrid keyboard shortcuts.

Click Keyboard Shortcuts in the bottom right-hand corner of the screen to display the keyboard shortcuts.

Press To ..
Data Grid keyboard usage
Right arrow key Move focus to the column left of current column
Left arrow key Move focus to the column right of current column
Home Move focus to the first column of the current row
End Move focus to the last column of the current row
Up arrow key Move focus to the row above the current row
Down arrow key Move focus to the row below the current row
Ctrl + Shift + Page Up Move focus to the first row of the current page
Ctrl + Shift + Page Down Move focus to the last row of the current page
Page Up Move focus to the last row or first row on the current page if the previous page is not available
Page Down Move focus to the first row on the next page or focus on last row on the current page if the next page is not available.
Spacebar Select the current row
Shift + Up arrow key Toggle selection on the current row and the previous row.
Shift + Down arrow key Toggle selection on the current row and the next row.
Ctrl + Spacebar Toggle selection of all rows on the current page.
Ctrl + Shift + Up arrow key Sort ascending order
Ctrl + Shift + Down arrow key Sort descending order
Ctrl + Enter Show current page number, row number and column name
Ctrl + Shift + Enter Shows rows selected
Sort Column
Ctrl + Shift + Up arrow key Sort ascending order
Ctrl + Shift + Down arrow key Sort descending order
Status Information
Ctrl + Enter Shows page # of page #, Row H, Column Name
Ctrl + Shift + Enter Shows row or rows # selected