
This request returns true or false, indicating whether the specified system action is authorized for the currently logged-in user. For scoped system actions, you can also specify an organizational entity.

For general information about system actions, see the "Configuring User Access" topic in the TIBCO Workspace Configuration and Customization guide.

For a list of available system actions, also see the User Access Privileges dialog in the Workspace application (Help > User Access Privileges).




  • requestId - (String) Uniquely identifies the request. For more information, see Submitting Server Requests.
  • systemActions - (Array[String]) The system actions for which authorization is being checked.
  • scope (Object) (optional) This specifies an organizational entity to determine if a scoped system action is authorized:
entityType: entityType,
guid: guid,
modelVersion: modelVersion,
qualifier: qualifier


  • entityType - (String) The organizational entity: RESOURCE, GROUP, POSITION, ORGANIZATION_UNIT, or ORGANIZATION.
  • guid (String) The GUID for the organizational entity.
  • ModelVersion (String) Version of the organization model containing the organizational entity.
  • qualifier (String) (optional) Not used — set to empty string internally.


Returns an <ap:Action> element, which contains the following elements:

  • <ap:Component> - The component to which the system action is associated.
  • <ap:Name> - The name of the system action.
  • <ap:Authorized> - true = the system action is authorized; false = the system action is not authorized.

For example:

  <ap:IsActionAuthorisedResponse Id="ApiSample.isActionAuthorized">