Disabling Flow Validation to prevent lockups in the User Interface

TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM Complex processes (with flows that are ultimately invalid for ActiveMatrix BPM deployment) can cause the flow-analyzer to take a very long time, which can in turn lock up the user interface. Use the workarounds described in this topic to avoid this problem.

Note: This problem is especially likely after converting iProcess XPDL to ActiveMatrix BPM XPDL.
  • Optionally switch off migration point decoration for a given process or the whole process-package (to prevent lock ups in the user interface). From the process, select Resource > BPM User Interface Configuration > Migration Point Decorations. Select Show or Hide.

    This can be done at process and/or process-package level. If you set to Hide on either a process or its parent package then no migration point decoration (and hence flow analysis) is performed, thus improving performance.

  • Temporarily switch off process flow analysis (for an individual process or the whole package) so you can work on the process up until the point that you need to fix the process flow so that it is suitable for ActiveMatrix BPM. From the process, select Resource > BPM Validation Configuration > Process flow analysis and validation.

    The option to further highlight migration point activities using the process editor highlighter toolbar dropdown is also removed when migration point decorations are hidden.

    This can be set on a process package and / or individual processes (if set on a package then flow validation will be disabled for all processes regardless of their own setting).

    Choose from the following 3 options:
    • Validate Returns process flow validation to normal.
    • Suppress until manual reactivation via Advanced properties Switches off process flow validation altogether until reactivated here or via the quick fix for "Process flow validation has been disabled rule".
    • Suppress until next process flow change Switches off process flow validation until the user makes a change that affects the process flow (such as delete/add activities or move/add /remove sequence flows etc.)