Defining the Link Type

Both contextual and event links are defined by <links/> elements in the eventLinks.xml file, with a messageId attribute that identifies the context (for contextual links) or event type (for event links) to which the links are associated.

For information about defining a sub-process link type, see Sub-Process Links.

Contextual Links

The messageId attribute for contextual links is suffixed with “_WorkspaceContext”:

<links messageId="Context_WorkspaceContext">

where Context identifies the entity that is the context for the event list. The available values for Context are:

  • WorkItem - defines the contextual links when a work item is currently selected in the work item list.
  • ProcessInstance - defines the contextual links when a process instance is currently selected in the process instance list.
  • LdapContainer - defines the contextual links when an individual LDAP container is currently selected in the Organization Browser.
  • LdapContainers - defines the contextual links when “LDAP Containers” is currently selected in the Organization Browser.
  • Group - defines the contextual links when a group is currently selected in the Organization Browser.
  • Position - defines the contextual links when a position is currently selected in the Organization Browser.
  • Organization - defines the contextual links when an organization is currently selected in the Organization Browser.
  • OrgUnit - defines the contextual links when an organization unit is currently selected in the Organization Browser.
  • OrgModelVersion - defines the contextual links when the organization model is currently selected in the Organization Browser.
  • ResourceList - defines the contextual links when a resource is currently selected in the Organization Browser resource list.

For example:

<links messageId="WorkItem_WorkspaceContext">

This example specifies the links available when the user selects a work item and clicks the Links button on the work item list.

Event Links

The messageId attribute for event links identifies the event type:

<links messageId="EVENT_TYPE">
  • where EVENT_TYPE identifies the type of event for which events will be returned in the event list. See the eventLinks.xml file for example <links/> elements for each of the available event types.

For example:

<links messageId="BRM_WORKITEM_OPENED">

This example specifies the links available when the user selects an event of type BRM_WORKITEM_OPENED in the Event Viewer, then clicks the Links button.