Using Service Registries

If you plan to add a WSDL document to your project from a service registry, you can create a new service registry entry either before importing the WSDL document, or as part of the import process.

Note: When you deploy a process that exposes a service operation to the BPM runtime, it is automatically published to the BPM runtime service registry. If you want to call the process from another process, you can therefore access its WSDL using this registry.

This section describes how to add a UDDI registry before importing the WSDL document.

To create a registry do the following steps.


  1. Select New > Other.
  2. Expand Services, select Service Registry from the list of wizards and click Next.
  3. Enter the details of the Web Service registry:
    • Name - enter the name that you want to be displayed for the registry in the Service Explorer.
    • Query Manager (Inquiry) URL - the URL used to retrieve information about the services and businesses of the registry.
    • Lifecycle Manager (Publish) URL - the URL used for publishing services and businesses to the registry.
  4. Click Finish.
    To view a registry do the following steps:
  5. Select Window > Show View > Other.
  6. Expand Web Service Registries and select Registries.
  7. The Registries view opens and you should see any UDDI Registries that you have added.
    To create a registry search do the following steps:
  8. Click the Add Search button () or right-click the Registry and select Add Search
  9. Select the type of search you want to perform (either for a business or for a service) and click Next.
  10. Enter the service search criteria:
    • Name
       This is the name you want displayed in the Registries view for your search.
    • Search Criteria
       You can use a percent sign (%) as a wildcard to specify search criteria. For example, specifying c% would return all businesses or services that start with the character c.
  11. Click Finish.

    If the search is successful, the results are displayed in the Registries view. If the search is not successful, a message is displayed and you should check the error log for more details.

    When you expand the search in the Registries view, the results are displayed.

    Search results are preserved for subsequent browsing, but may be refreshed.

    To change the properties of a registry or search do the following steps.

  12. Do one of the following:
    • Double-click the Registry or Search.
    • Right-click the Registry or Search and select Properties.
    • Select the Registry or Search and select File > Properties.
  13. From the resulting Properties dialog, change the settings as necessary, then:
    • Click Apply to effect any changes you have made.
    • Click OK to exit the dialog.
    • Click Cancel to exit the dialog without applying your changes.