Using WCC Components in Mash-Ups

WCC components can be included with non-WCC code in mash-up applications. The non-WCC code and WCC components communicate via the TIBCO PageBus mechanism.

The term non-WCC code is used to refer to the part of a mash-up application that is non-WCC.

The following can be accomplished in a mash-up application when using both non-WCC code and WCC components:

  • Non-WCC code can subscribe to an event published by a WCC component, then consume the data in the event payload.

    For more information, see Non-WCC Subscribing to WCC Events.

  • Non-WCC code can publish an event that causes one of the following to be displayed:

When the non-WCC code and WCC components are contained within one iframe, the standard PageBus mechanism can be used.