Mobile Forms

TIBCO Forms is designed to provide rendering suitable to the device used to access it. Mobile forms functionality of TIBCO Forms ensures optimized rendering on mobile devices.

TIBCO Forms is supported on Apple iOS devices. The supported platform is iOS 7.

You can design mobile forms by configuring the controls specifically for mobile usage. The Mobile Preview tab is provided to view mobile forms at design time: you can type the URL specified in the Mobile Preview tab in the mobile device’s web browser to access the form.

Note: Due to space limitations on a mobile screen, mobile forms are displayed one pane at a time. If the form has nested panes, they are shown as links. You can use the Back button on the form to navigate back to the containing panes in the form.

Most of the functionality available on the desktop version of forms is supported on the mobile version. However, there are some features which are not supported currently and few controls behave differently on mobile devices. The limitations are as follows:

  • The settings on the Layout tab and the Font tab in the Properties view of controls are not supported.
  • The settings on the Child Labels tab and the Child Layout tab in the Properties view of the pane is not supported.
  • The Label Visibility flag on the General tab in the Properties view of controls and panes is not supported.
  • The Hint field on the General tab in the Properties view of controls is not supported.
  • The Maximum Length and Display Length fields on the Properties tab in the Properties view for text controls are not supported.
  • Custom controls are not supported.
  • The Pass-through control is not supported.
  • Multi-select Grid panes are not supported.
  • Modal dialog panes are not supported.
  • Static and deferred rendering are not supported. The panes are rendered as ordinary panes.
  • The BPM Live Dev perspective is not supported on mobile forms.