Minimum Hours in Working Day Calculations

Each base calendar holds a value that defines the minimum number of hours in a working day. This may differ from the normal business hours defined by the day-of-week and time-slot entries in the same base calendar.

When a deadline is being calculated in working days, if the number of available hours in a day being considered is less than the defined minimum hours, that day is not included as a working day, and the calculation moves on to the next available day; where, again, the number of available hours is compared. The final result will be the start of the available day following the requested number of working days.

For example, if the normal working day is defined as eight hours for Mondays to Fridays, and min-hours (for details about min-hours, see saveBaseCalendar ) is defined as four hours:

  • Saturdays and Sundays are ignored for deadline calculation because they have fewer working hours (0) than the min-hours value. The deadline calculation moves on to the Monday, where the number of available hours is compared with the minimum.
  • A day with a six-hour exclusion defined for a training session will be ignored, as this brings the available working hours down below the min-hours value. The deadline calculation moves on to the next available day, where again the number of available hours is compared with the minimum.