BOM Labels and Names

BOM packages, BOM classes, and BOM attributes have a Label as well as a Name.

A Label is a free format field that is designed to be a user-friendly description of the attribute or class. The label text is displayed by the BOM editor as shown below:

And by the default Forms:

However, the Label cannot be used with the entire product, as in scripting. For example, the names that can be used to refer to attributes are considerably constrained. Therefore, a name is defined for each class and attribute. The default name is generated by using the characters from the label that are allowed in names. Space and most punctuation is removed. The image of the form above shows the names as well as the labels for the different fields. You can see that the spaces, brackets, and currency symbol have all been ignored when the names were generated. In scripting, the attribute name is used. For example:

var engineSize = car.engineCapacitycc;
var carPrice = car.listPrice + delivery + tax;