Exporting a Class to WSDL Format

You can export a specific class to an WSDL file.

Any objects on which that class has a dependency - for example, any attributes or operations it contains - will be exported with it. This dependency is worked out recursively, so that any dependencies of the dependencies, and so on, are also exported.


  1. Right-click on the representation of the class in the business object model diagram editor, and select Export > Export to WSDL.
  2. The WSDL dialog is displayed. Check the selection and change it if necessary. Select a destination for the WSDL file (either in the /Exports/WSDL directory in the project, or in a different path). The Exports folder is created if it does not yet exist and shown in the Project Explorer.

    If you check the Preserve Schemas checkbox, the export process will try to preserve the structure of the schema by creating a separate WSDL file for each package that is included in the export. If you do not check that box, the export process flattens out all packages into one WSDL file.

  3. Click Finish. The WSDL files are generated in the specified location.